Complete List of Factions in 2024’s Dragon Age The Veilguard

Bioware, Dragon Age the Veilguard, faction, symbols, sigils

As new details about BioWare’s latest addition to the Dragon Age series, Dragon Age the Veilguard, have come out, players are learning more and more about the game’s narrative and mechanics. Of those exciting details, fans have been privy to the news that the new game will reinvent the previously well-loved character origins from the first game; now known as factions; to include more customizations for their character’s world-state and make the game feel even more tailored to the player’s vision of Thedas.


With Dragon Age the Veilguard, players can choose from six different factions. A mix of well-established organizations and newly revealed, the factions span several countries in Northern Thedas; including Tevinter, Antiva, Nevarra, and Rivain; and will offer the players even more nuance and understanding of the greater workings of the game’s diverse and intricate world-building. This narrative mechanic will allow players to pick and choose not only their part to play in the story but also which point of view they will utilize to interact with the world and its characters. Depending on which one they choose: the Grey Wardens, Lords of Fortune, Mourn Watch, Shadow Dragons, Veil Jumpers, or the Antivan Crows.

Grey Wardens

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Screenshot from Dragon Age the Veilguard, courtesy of Bioware and Electronic Arts

One of the longest-standing organizations in the Dragon Age series, Grey Warden’s history is so intrinsically tied to the lore of Thedas that their influence can be seen in nearly all aspects of the world. Known as the great heroes, those men and women who have sacrificed everything to protect Thedas and its people from the horror of the Blight and the Archdemon, for centuries; the Grey Warden’s knowledge and expertise in defeating Darkspawn has saved countless lives.

A shield against the Night, players choosing Grey Wardens as their faction will start from the following pre-established backstory:

“When innocent lives were at stake, Rook led the charge, saving a village from a monstrous nightmare—no matter the cost to her/him/themself. During a large darkspawn incursion, Rook was ordered to hold the line with other Grey Wardens until reinforcements arrived. Rook argued that by then, villagers under attack would be dead. [They] disobeyed orders, leading the squad into the incursion and sealing the tunnel to the Deep Roads. This turned the tide, and the darkspawn were driven off, which saved the villagers. Rook’s heroism was popular among the younger Wardens, but others with connections to noble families resented her/his/their independent streak. Rook chose to step away while tempers cooled.”

Warden Rooks In Dragon Age the Veilguard will come with the surname Thorne and gain three traits specifically designed for their faction. Bonded in Blood grants increased faction approval, Blight Killer grants increased damage against Darkspawn, and Vigilant Training increases the character’s health and defense stats. The Champion Specialization for the Warrior Warden will grant even further bonuses – making them the ideal tank for the party in most scenarios -and the companion, Davrin, will be their point of contact.

Lords of Fortune

One of the newest factions added into the Dragon Age series, those in the Lords of Fortune are considered the world of Thedas’ greatest treasure hunters. From dungeon diving and cave exploration to stealing from rich collectors, hunting monsters for pay, and even protecting others with shared interests, faction members seek any adventure that promises rich rewards. Often dressed in colorful clothes, adorned with trinkets, capes, belts, and charms, the Lord of Fortune can regularly be seen wearing their treasures like a badge of honor -making them easily noticeable to those who know what to look for.

As a Lord of Fortune, Rook will come with the following pre-established backstory:

“When a corrupt Rivaini noble double-crossed Rook, Rook escaped a collapsing ruin, turned the tables, and destroyed a dangerous artifact. A rising Lord of Fortune, skilled at breaking into lost tombs and ruins, Rook killed a corrupt Rivaini noble to prevent an ancient evil from being given to the Venatori. Her/His/Their actions were correct and saved the lives of expedition members, but some Rivaini nobles were resentful. Because the success of the Lords’ expeditions relied on Rivaini authorities looking the other way, it seemed wise for Rook to step away while tempers settled.”

Lord of Fortune Rooks in Dragon Age the Veilguard will come with the surname Laidir and gain three traits specifically designed for their faction. Together in Glory grants increased approval with the Lords of Fortune, Healthy Competition increases damage against mercenaries, and Relentless allows players to perform takedowns with less effort. The rogue specialization, Saboteur, and the warrior specialization, Slayer, are recommended to those players wanting their Rooks to fit thematically. Taash, the party’s Dragon Slayer, will be Rook’s point of contact with the Lords of Fortune.

Mourn Watch

Based out of the country of Nevarra’s Grand Necropolis, people within the Mourn Watch are charged with the great calling of tending to the souls of the dead. With absolute authority over funerary rights, the faction’s members are often involved in situations when magic goes awry, manage or deal with possessed corpses, and take care of the general upkeep and inner workings of the Grand Necropolis. Mourn Watchers are typically Mages, gifted in such schools as Necromancy, yet may also include other classes such as rogues and warriors -often utilized as security to protect all who dwell within.

As a member of the Mourn Watch, Rook will come with the following pre-established backstory:

“When restless spirits threatened the inhabitants of the Grand Necropolis, Rook took decisive action to protect both the living and the dead. Discovered by undead inside a Grand Necropolis tomb as an infant, Rook was raised by Mourn Watch necromancers, eventually joining the order. During a “civil war” between undead nobility, known later as the War of the Banners, [they] led a daring attack on the rebellion’s dueling leaders. It was a success, quelling the war and saving lives. But Rook’s destruction of these undead nobles was controversial. Some Mourn Watchers feared Rook had offended the order’s aristocratic patrons and encouraged her/him/them to travel for a while.”

Mourn Watcher Rooks will come with the surname Ingellvar and gain three traits specific to their faction. Recognized Name increases approval gains with the Mourn Watch, Return to the Grave increases damage against undead, and Acute Afflictions applies additional stacks of afflictions on their targets. The Death Caller mage specialization, and the Reaper warrior specialization, aesthetically and thematically fit the ideals of the Mourn Watch. The companion, Emmrich Volkarin, will be the player’s point of contact for the illustrious faction in Dragon Age the Veilguard.

Shadow Dragons

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Screenshot from Dragon Age the Veilguard, courtesy of Bioware and Electronic Arts

A revolutionary group opposed the corruption of Tevinter’s rulers, the Shadow Dragons endeavor to help those in need, work toward the betterment of their culture, and bring justice to the people. First appearing in the comic, Dragon Age: The Missing, the faction becomes known during the pre-Veilguard mission: where Varric and Harding chase Solas to Minrathous and find the Shadow Dragons helping slaves freed by the Dread Wolf. This is where the fans are introduced to Neve Gallus, a ranking member of the Shadow Dragons, and the player’s soon-to-be companion and point of contact in Dragon Age the Veilguard.

The Breaker of Bonds, a Shadow Dragon Rook, will come with the following pre-established backstory: “Rook risked everything to liberate the enslaved people of Tevinter, even knowing it would anger the ruling elite.”

“The Foundling Rook was adopted into a military family and joined the Shadow Dragons to fight from the shadows for change in Minrathous. While guarding a visiting dignitary, who was investigating a slavery ring in the nearby city of Nessus, Rook concluded that the mission would fail without throwing caution to the wind. Alone, [they] sneaked the dignitary deep into Venatori-controlled zones and brought him back, along with the rescued slaves. These actions brought Rook to the Venatori’s attention, and the Shadow Dragons decided to keep Rook out of sight.”

A Shadow Dragon Rook will come with the surname Mercar and gain three traits specific to their faction. Light in the Dark increases the gains in faction approval with the Shadow Dragons, Never to Rise increases damage against the Venatori, and Resourceful grants an increase to the player’s class-specific resource regeneration. Evoker, a mage specialization that utilizes elemental-based abilities (fire, ice, and lightning magic) fits the aesthetic and narrative purpose of the faction over all others in the game.

Veil Jumpers

Another faction introduced in the Dragon Age: The Missing comic, the Veil Jumpers are a ragtag group of people from every corner of Thedas, whose sole mission is to explore Elven ruins and study the realm-warping magic of the Arlathan Forest. As foremost experts on Elven artifacts, the faction’s sole mission is to understand: What influence the past may have on the future and utilize that information to undo what has been wrought upon the land. Magical anomalies, strange happenings, and odd creatures have begun to plague the ancient lands, and the Veil Jumpers are doing all they can to understand them before the strange happenings spread beyond their borders.

The Hunter of Secrets, a Veil Jumper Rook, will come with the following pre-established backstory: “When lives were at stake, Rook defied orders to rescue people from the mystic perils of Arlathan.”

“On an expedition to ruins in Arlathan Forest, the Veil Jumpers found ruins that contained important lost lore and deadly danger. Barely surviving the ruins’ ancient magical defenses, Rook’s small team recovered an invaluable map leading to a hidden area of the forest. Although the team escaped, other Veil Jumpers found themselves trapped. Rook chose to return to the ruins, saving her/his/their teammates’ lives, but losing the map. S/he(/They) was lauded for her/his/their bravery, but the map’s loss caused some resentment among Veil Jumper leaders.”

A Veil Jumper Rook will come with the surname Aldwir and gain three traits specific to their faction. Close to the Veil, which increases the player’s reputation with the Veil Jumpers, Attuned Strikes which increases damage dealt against Fade-Touched enemies, and Keen Eye which slightly increases critical hit and weak point damage. For Veil Jumpers, the rogue specialization of Veil Ranger was made to fit the feel of the faction best, as they solely utilize a range style of combat and lean heavily on bow-based damage. The companion, Bellara Lutare, will be the player’s point of contact for the faction in Dragon Age the Veilguard.

Antivan Crows

Another well-known and familiar faction of Thedas, the Antivan Crows’ reputation precedes themselves in every way. The most notoriously notable assassin’s guild in Dragon Age, the faction’s influence has been felt in every game. Starting with Zevran, as a companion in Origins; to dealing with the Venatori, and their evil machinations in the prequel novel to Veilguard, Tevinter Nights; the Antivan Crows seem to have their eyes on everyone, and an ear pressed to every wall. Nothing happens in Thedas without their knowledge, and it will be up to Rook to solidify an alliance to succeed.

The Assassin Extraordinaire, an Antivan Crow Rook, will come with the following pre-established backstory: “When the invaders of Treviso took people captive, Rook was determined to free the prisoners at any cost.”

“A talented new Crow recently promoted to full membership, Rook chafed at the cautions of her/his/their commanders, especially with her/his/their city occupied by brutal soldiers known as the Antaam. When Rook saw a patrol herding along captives one night, they leaped into action. Despite saving lives, however, Rook had unknowingly compromised a larger Crow operation against the Antaam. Rook’s superiors were incensed. Sidelined for her/his/their actions, the young assassin searched for new ways to prove herself/himself/themself.”

An Antivan Crow Rook will come with the surname “De Riva” and gain three traits specific to their faction. Under their Wing grants increased approval with the Antivan Crows, Open Contract increases damage done against the Qunari’s Antaam, and Hidden Pouch allows players to hold an extra potion. Duelist Rogues and Spell Blade Mage specializations utilize up-front, melee attacks and magic integration to synergize with the look and feel of the Antivan Crows -making them a perfect choice for players who want to live the assassin lifestyle. Lucanis Dellamorte will be Rook’s point-of-contact for the Crows in Dragon Age the Veilguard.

Game Details

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the property of Bioware, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, headquartered in California. It will be released via Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S on October 31, 2024.  The game is rated M for mature for adult themes, adult language, and violence. More details, about the game’s upcoming release, can be found on BioWare’s official blog and YouTube channel.

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