Atari has announced a new handheld console called the Gamestation Go at CES 2025. This revamped version of the Gamestation Portable, which was revealed at CES last year, resembles other handheld consoles released in recent years. However, its design is unique compared to competitors like the Nintendo Switch or Steam Deck. My Arcade is partnering with Atari again to add retro-style hardware to the Gamestation Go, as they did for the Gamestation Pro.
What To Expect From The Gamestation Go
The design has added new and unique features, including a number pad on the right side and a trackball below the d-pad on the left. Many fans are hopeful that due to the number pad, the Gamestation Go could support Jaguar games in the future. The traditional bumpers shown in the teaser video of the console simplify gameplay for gamers. Also shown in the video is a “Credit” button below the “Settings” button, two USB-C ports, a microSD card slot, a headphone jack, and an HDMI output port.
The partnership with My Arcade for the Gamestation Pro added over 200 built-in games, and there are expected to be many more on the Gamestation Go as well. With the licensing of top publishers like Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. and Capcom, My Arcade will bring some classic titles to the console. Many fans in the community are excited about the concept of playing retro games on a newer-generation handheld console.
The Rise Of Handheld Consoles
When discussing handheld consoles, a few names immediately come to mind. The most popular handheld console on the market is the Nintendo Switch. Competition in the market continues to increase, as Nintendo recently announced the Nintendo Switch 2. Another recent success in handheld consoles is the Steam Deck. Having access to Steam games on the go became a massively popular concept, and updated versions are bound to come.
Since the origins of video games, handheld consoles have been around, especially with Atari and Nintendo. Other tech giants such as PlayStation and Microsoft are developing handheld console prototypes. A handheld console war is imminent in the near future as the market is currently trending up. Playsation has already had massive success with multiple handheld devices, starting with the PSP. Companies like SEGA and Nokia have released handheld consoles in the past, but the competition is approaching, which will be a larger threat to Atari and Nintendo.
Those who grew up on arcade games in the early days of video games should be excited for this release. The current and potential handheld consoles share unique differences between each other. Fans have already praised Gamestation Go for its slick and unique design. The release date of the Gamestation Go has yet to be announced, but Atari revealed it will come in Q3 of 2025. Atari announced the release price of the Gamestation Go at $149.99. This affordable price will significantly help sales.
The Gamestation Go may not be for everyone, but for its price, it is probably the best deal on handheld consoles. With the console being able to emulate games from multiple past consoles, the range of games is unprecedented. A certain nostalgia is what would put the Gamestation Go above the other handheld consoles. The console’s design is meant for various games of all genres, and the simplicity of some retro games makes it a perfect match for a handheld console. Updates on more details of what the Gamestation Go will fully entail are coming soon. It is clear Atari put a large amount of time and effort into this system.