Hawkeye is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. If you like sniping enemies from afar, this is the character for you. His look is one of the most unique in the game, having very little resemblance to anything we’ve seen in media before. His arsenal of arrows makes him one of the best damage dealers from the backline in the game. Here is a full breakdown of his skills and abilities in Marvel Rivals.
Hawkeye Marvel Rivals Stats And Basics
- Class: Duelist
- Health: 275
- Movement: 6 m/s
Hawkeye comes into battle with his arsenal of arrows. For his normal attack, there are two options that can be used. The standard Piercing Arrow has infinite ammo, while the Blast Arrow has limited uses. Knowing when to unleash your special arrows is essential in mastering this character. Here is the breakdown of each normal attack.
- Piercing Arrow
- Description: Shoot a powerful arrow
- Casting: Charged projectile with an arced trajectory
- Slow Rate While Charging: -30%
- Min Charge Time: 0.7s
- Projectile Speed: 120 – 180 m/s (Maximum speed is achieved after 0.9s of charging)
- Damage: 8 – 80 (Maximum damage is achieved after 0.9s of charging)
- Ammo: Infinite
- Critical Hit: Yes
- Blast Arrow
- Casting: Arced projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
- Slow Rate While Charging: -30%
- Projectile Speed: 60 m/s
- Projectile Damage: 15
- Range: 3m spherical radius
- Spell Field Damage: 32
- Blast Arrows Per Cast: 3
- Spread Angle: 11.3°
- Cooldown: 0.5s
- Charges: 3
Hawkeye has some of the longest-range attacks in the game. Mastering him is difficult as it takes precision to snipe your opponents in the heat of battle. Outside of his normal arrows, the Hypersonic Arrow gives another type of shot that can discombobulate enemies. Since he is extremely vulnerable at melee range, he is equipped with multiple melee abilities and Skyward Leap, which allows him to escape tough situations. Here is a full breakdown of his abilities.
- Archer’s Focus (Passive)
- Description: Focusing the aim on an enemy improves Piercing Arrow’s damage. The meter fills slowly as Hawkeye tracks down foes.
- Bonus Damage: 0 – 70 (Maximum damage is achieved after 0.9s of aiming)
- Triggering Distance: 40m
- Critical Hit: Yes
- Special Mechanic: Apply bonus damage to the base damage of Piercing Arrow
- Skyward Leap
- Description: Double Jump in the air with great directional control.
- Cooldown: 6s
- Ronin Slash
- Description: A Melee Attack that can also deflect incoming projectiles.
- Casting: Melee
- Max Distance: 3m
- Special Effect: This ability cannot block explosions or effects created by projectiles on hit
- Hypersonic Arrow
- Description: A charge-type ability that can knock down flying enemies, and inflicts Slow on targets hit by the AoE.
- Casting: Straight-line projectile that is accompanied by a spell field
- Projectile Speed: 150 m/s
- First Spell Field Range: Length: 3m, Width: 3m, Height: 2.7m
- First Damage: 50
- Second Spell Field Range: Length: 3m, Width: 5m, Height: 1.6m
- Second Damage: 50
- Slow Rate: -40%
- Slow Duration: 1s
- Cooldown: 12s
- Crescent Slash
- Description: A lateral slash with the Katana that knocks back enemies and causes moderate damage.
- Casting: Melee
- Max Distance: 8m
- Damage: 40
- Cooldown: 12s
- Supersensory Vision (Team-Up Bonus)
- Effect: Passive: When playing with Black Widow, Hawkeye’s ultimate ability also grants the same buff to the player who is using her, allowing her to target enemy afterimages.
- Team-Up Bonus: 15% Damage Boost
Hawkeye’s ultimate, Hunter’s Sight, is one of the most broken in the game. Enemies aren’t warned when the afterimages are being created, meaning their health could shrink without their knowing why. This is a great way to deal with faster characters who can easily evade his arrows.
- Special Effect: An Ultimate ability that boosts Hawkeye’s reflexes for 10 seconds, allowing him to cause damage to enemies even if they are moving by targeting their afterimages. Landing a shot in any of the afterimages will transfer the damage to the corresponding enemies.
- Casting: Single-cast projectile with a downward delay that creates a spell field upon impact
- Duration: 10s
- Afterimage Generation Interval: 0.5s
- Afterimage Duration: 3s
- Draw Speed Boost Multiplier: 1.2
- Energy Cost: 3700
- Special Mechanic: While Hunter’s Sight is active, bow draw speed is increased
Hawkeye is a glass cannon, which can make him challenging to master. The strategy is pretty clear: stay as far away from the frontlines as possible. When playing this character, staying out of melee range is how you stay alive. While he does have abilities that allow him to escape tricky situations, it’s better not to get into them in the first place. If you are a good shot, he can deal with characters who take to the skies like Iron Man or Storm.
I will repeat it: Stay out of melee range. Hawkeye’s health means your chances of survival are slim if he gets cornered. Furthermore, if you are not able to dial in the arrow shots, it severely limits what he can do. Even his ultimate means nothing if you can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Working with your team to know when to move in and rain arrows down on debuffed opponents. The strategy for this character is clear. Snipe enemies from afar while your allies do the dirty work in battle.
Final Thoughts
Hawkeye is probably the character that is most fun to play if you have mastered him, but the most annoying if you haven’t. Dialing in your shot may take some time, but if you are able to, you can easily become one of the most valuable players on your team.