Battlefield Labs: EA Shares World Premiere of Pre-Alpha Gameplay

Battlefield Labs

Battlefield 6 is coming, and its developers have just changed their testing process, which might have just won back their fan base. The game has been in development for some time by a new team of EA studios. EA has just announced an ambitious community testing program they call Battlefield Labs. They have also given us a pre-alpha look at their next Battlefield game, and it appears that everything in gaming, and I mean everything, has changed forever.

Battlefield 2025 Testing With Battlefield Labs

EA has pulled together four studios to collaborate in developing the next Battlefield installment. Turing DICE, Criterion, Motive, and Ripple Effect studios are pooling their efforts to create the next title in the Battlefield franchise. Gathering several studios to create a gaming title isn’t new; however, what they have just done for testing is.

EA Dice started the Battlefield series back in early September 2002 with their first installment of the franchise, Battlefield 1942. It’s a first-person military shooter that emphasizes teamwork, tactics, weapons, and war machines in different warfare areas. Since their first game, EA has released several installments with expansion packs that span the globe and time.

The Battlefield franchise started strong and at its height, the game had more than 50 million players back in 2012. While their latest release of Battlefield 2042 isn’t as popular as wanted or other games it is the second most popular under Battlefield V which retains an average of 1,600 players on average.

What’s So Different?

Unlike other shooters, the Battlefield series is set more on a large online multiplayer battle ranging from small squad plays of a few dozen to server size for 128 players. When you throw in a variety of environments over deserts, tropical islands, stormy seas, and sprawling modern cities, there isn’t a way to learn every nook and corner. Then, players can enjoy playing as infantry, driving tanks, and flying in various airplanes, each befitting the age at which the battle takes place.

With all these players, maps, memorable battles, massive maps, and destructive gameplay, what is so special about Battlefield Labs? This isn’t like regular testing because it will include groups of players to test out the game, giving feedback on the development of the next pre-alpha Battlefield title, and more. Battlefield testing is going to go live in the next few weeks, and players will be able to sign up. For now, those invited to participate on servers in Europe and North America; other locations will come in the future.

EA Wants Players To Build Battlefield

Battlefield Labs
Image courtesy of EA Montreal and Battlefield Studios

EA made this announcement through a video release. In it, they show the pre-alpha gameplay footage of Battlefield Labs The clip is only about 10 seconds long, and from the quick images and fast-paced gameplay, it looks very similar to Battlefield 3. If it is like Battlefield 3, the battles will take place in a modern-day setting with weapons reflecting the age.

Battlefield Labs’ purpose is to provide a vast testing opportunity for the game’s community to make changes to their mechanics, destructive systems, maps, modes, weapons, and vehicles. Unlike other testing phases of games, EA and Dice have taken testing even earlier than normal. This hasn’t been done before so who knows what will happen or if it will be done again. So sign up while you can.

Sign Up And Play!

To sign up for testing and provide game-changing feedback on Battlefield Studios’ EA page. As to those not selected, the release date for Battlefield 6 hasn’t been given. Depending on what EA and Dice have in mind, they might get the game in for the holidays this year. However, next year is more likely. Sign up, try your luck, and be the person who gets to play the game before anyone else. Make a suggestion to better shape the battlefield for the rest of us.

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