Captain America Full Skills And Abilities Guide In Marvel Rivals

Captain America Marvel Rivals

Captain America is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. The super soldier uses his vibranium shield to block projectiles and throw at enemies. Steve Rogers is the classic all-around archetype. He does a little bit of everything well rather than one thing at an elite level. Here is a full guide on his skills and abilities in Marvel Rivals.

Captain America Marvel Rivals Stats And Basics

Marvel Rivals: How to Play Captain America
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase
  • Class: Vanguard
  • Health: 675
  • Movement: 6 m/s

Captain America has one basic attack, but it can be used in a variety of ways. He can bash opponents up close with Sentinel Strike or can throw his shield, making it ricochet off multiple opponents. While he isn’t the beefiest Vanguard in the game, he is a quality character to lead the charge thanks to many of his abilities. Here is a breakdown of his basic attack.

  • Sentinel Strike
    • Casting: Change Form
    • Melee Range: 4m
    • Shield Flying Speed: 60m/s
    • Max Flying Distance: 25m
    • Damage: Melee Attack Damage: 40, Flying Shield Damage: 45
    • Attack Interval: Melee 1st Hit: 0.4s, Melee 2nd Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 1st Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 2nd Hit: 0.57s
    • Ammo: Up to 4 throws
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Special Effect: Automatically target enemies near the crosshair


Captain America has abilities based around using his shield in battle. He can counter incoming projectiles, which is very powerful if you get the timing correct. Many strategies are based around characters doing small amounts of damage from the back. He can make that backfire on opponents. From there, he has enhanced movement abilities to get around quickly and bash opponents in the face. Here is a complete breakdown of his abilities.

  • Living Legend
    • Description: Raise the shield to counter incoming projectiles, sending them back to enemies.
    • Casting: Channeled
    • Max Shield Value: 400
    • Recover Shield Value: 50/s
    • Delayed Recovery After Release: 2s
    • Cooldown After Destroyed: 5s
    • Cooldown: 1s
    • Ricochet Damage Falloff: 50%
  • Super-Soldier Slam
    • Description: Leap from the sky and slam down hard on the enemy.
    • Casting: Targeted
    • Max Distance: 20m (horizontal)
    • Damage: 30
    • Cooldown: 12s
  • Liberty Rush
    • Description: Cover with the shield and strike the opponent with it.
    • Casting: Single-cast forward dash
    • Dash Distance: 12m
    • Damage: 30
    • Cooldown: 10s
  • Vibranium Energy Saw
    • Description: Throw his energy-charged shield at enemies to take them out.
    • Casting: Single-cast projectile that can ricochet
    • Projectile Speed: 80 m/s
    • Max Distance: 25
    • Number of Ricochets: 3
    • Damage: Start at 70, with a 20% reduction for each ricochet
    • Cooldown: 8s
  • Leading Dash
    • Description: Supercharge speed and activate Fearless Leap to jump high into the air.
    • Casting: Channeled
    • Movement Boost: 33.40%
    • Fearless Leap Height: 5m
  • Charged Aegis (Team-Up Ability)
    • Description: A Team-Up ability where Thor grants Thorforce to Captain America and Storm, upscaling his speed and charging his shield with thunder power.
    • Casting: Ability enhancement
    • Attack Interval: Flying Shield 1st Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 2nd Hit: 0.57s
    • Shield Flying Speed: 100 m/s
    • Max Flying Distance: 25m
    • Damage: 50
    • Movement Boost: Movement Speed + 1 m/s
    • Duration: 6s
    • Cooldown: 20s
    • Special Effect: Flying shield can ricochet once, reducing the damage by 50%


Marvel Rivals: Every Vanguard Character, Ranked From Weakest To Strongest
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase

In true Captain America fashion, his ultimate doesn’t just buff him but the rest of the team. The boosted movement speed allows him to lead the charge, leaving an energy trail that buffs movement and health for the rest of the team. Late in the game, players could use this coming off of spawn to immediately get back into the battle and give your teammates a huge boost.

  • Special Effect: Run fast, leaving an energy trail that increases movement and health for both the allies and Captain America.
  • Casting: Activation
  • Range: A spherical spell field with a 4m radius enveloping the caster, and a spell area with a width of 4m along the path.
  • Spell Field Duration: 10s
  • Spell Area Duration: 5s
  • Health Recovery Rate: Cast to gain 150 Bonus Health and grant allies 100 Bonus Health. Every second afterward, gain 100 Bonus Health and grant allies 60 Bonus Health.
  • Movement Boost: Grant a 30% Movement Boost to both yourself and your allies.
  • Energy Cost: 2800


Captain America works in just about every strategy. He is able to adapt to whatever the needs of the team are, making him the ultimate Swiss Army knife. If you need a tank, he can use one enhanced movement ability to get in, bash the opponent in the face, and then use the other enhanced movement ability to get out. Don’t discount what he can do to an opponent’s backline! The shield throw can make it difficult for duelists to come into battle with a full health bar. Additionally, his ability to reflect projectiles can neutralize certain characters.

Players do have to use caution with getting too eager in battle. He doesn’t work well as a tank and can get taken down quickly if players rush in willy-nilly. Playing Captain America means committing to a team approach. While this is technically true for every character, some are better at running solo than others. Work with your Duelists and Strategists to target certain enemies and take them down swiftly.

Final Thoughts

Captain America is a character that fits in with any team. Part of mastering him as a character is learning when to take on certain roles. Sometimes, he needs to be the leader. Other times, he needs to hang back and help the backline. His ultimate provides a buff to all allies in the area. Knowing what the team needs and when is the key to playing this character effectively.

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