Hela Full Skills And Abilities Guide In Marvel Rivals

Hela Marvel Rivals

Hela is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. The goddess of death brings destruction upon the battlefield. In true underworld fashion, this character isn’t the center of attention but prefers to strike when it is unexpected. This character is one that, if mastered, can be devastating to your opponents. Here is a full breakdown of her skills and abilities in Marvel Rivals.

Hela Marvel Rivals Stats And Basics

Marvel Rivals Reveals Hela Gameplay and Abilities
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase
  • Class: Duelist
  • Health: 250
  • Movement: 6 m/s

Hela brings weapons from the underworld to defeat enemies. Her basic attack has a decent range, cementing her status as more of a mid-range character. The attack is slow and has a low fire rate. However, if you are able to aim it well, it can be a great way to get some chip damage down while her abilities load up. Here is a breakdown of her normal attack.

  • Nightsword Thorn
    • Description: Throw Nightsword Thorns
    • Casting: Single-cast direct hit
    • Damage: 70
    • Damage Falloff: Falloff begins at 18m, decreasing to 80% at 30m
    • Fire Rate: 2 rounds per second
    • Ammo: 8
    • Critical Hit: Yes


Hela is a great crowd-control character. Her abilities allow her to flank effectively and disrupt what your enemies’ strategists are trying to do. Both Piercing Night and Soul Drainer have explosive ranges that can make it more difficult for your opponents to maneuver around the map. Her Astral Flock ability allows her to reposition easily, making her attacks more effective. Here is a full breakdown of her abilities in Marvel Rivals.

  • Nastrond Crowstorm (Passive)
    • Description: Defeating an enemy will generate a Nastrond Crow, exploding after a duration.
    • Delay: 1.8s
    • Range: 5m spherical radius
    • Damage: 80
  • Hel’s Descent
    • Description: Hold space to fall slowly.
    • Horizontal Movement Speed: 6 m/s
    • Descending Speed: 3.5 m/s
  • Piercing Night
    • Description: Fire Multiple Nightsword Thorns that detonate after a delay.
    • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
    • Number of Projectiles: 4
    • Projectile Speed: 80 m/s
    • Projectile Damage: 10
    • Explosion Delay: 3s
    • Range: 3m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 30 damage per round
    • Cooldown: 8s
    • Special Effect: Projectiles stick to enemies on hit
  • Soul Drainer
    • Description: Project an explosive Hel Sphere to Stun nearby enemies.
    • Casting: Arced projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
    • Projectile Speed: 40 m/s
    • Damage: 1
    • Range: 3m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 40
    • Stun Duration: 0.3s
    • Cooldown: 12s
  • Astral Flock
    • Description: Transform into a Nastrond Crow to glide forth, press again to undo the transformation.
    • Casting: Dash
    • Dash Speed: 15 m/s
    • Dash Distance: 18m
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Special Effect: Shapeshift into a Nastrond Crow and gain invincibility
  • Queen of Hel (Team-Up Bonus)
    • Effect: Passive: When Hela lands a final hit defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them Bonus Health if they are still alive.
    • Team-Up Bonus: 15% Damage Boost


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Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase

Hela’s ultimate, Goddess of Death, is very powerful but has to be used correctly. While she can unleash Nastrond Crows onto the battlefield, she is vulnerable in the air. The enemy team could focus all of their fire on her and take her down easily because of her low health. The best case is to cast in a more protected spot or while your enemies have to deal with a crowd of people below.

  • Special Effect: Soar into the sky and unleash Nastrond Crows from each hand at will.
  • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
  • Duration: 10s
  • Nastrond Crow Health: 1000
  • Fire Rate: 1.79 rounds per second
  • Projectile Speed: 80 m/s
  • Explosion Range: 6m spherical radius
  • Explosion Damage: 125
  • Explosion Damage Falloff: 32% falloff at 4m
  • Energy Cost: 4000
  • Special Mechanic: While Hunter’s Sight is active, bow draw speed is increased


Hela is a character that is all about positioning. If you find yourself dying often game after game, it is likely due to needing to find better positions to engage. Once you do find the sweet spot, she can be devastating to the team’s backline and support characters. You will likely do a lot of flanking during the game, surprising enemies with explosive abilities that catch them in bad situations. Don’t sleep on her team-up ability, either. The instant resurrection can turn the tide of battle, and the increased damage is never a bad thing.

Positioning is one of the most difficult things to master in a game like Marvel Rivals. With how fast-paced things can be, the slightest movement can be the difference between life and death. Figuring out how to position yourself, especially when unleashing her ultimate, is essential to mastering this character. If you can, she can be one of the best duelists in the game.

Final Thoughts

Hela is one of the more difficult characters to master. Her abilities are powerful but can be a dud if used incorrectly. Get ready to flank and rain down death and destruction when you pick up this character in Marvel Rivals.

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