Invisible Woman Full Skills And Abilities Guide In Marvel Rivals

Invisible Woman Marvel Rivals

Invisible Woman is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. Every team needs characters who can support every aspect of battle. Sue Storm has the ability to take on any role on a team. Here is a full breakdown of her skills and abilities in Marvel Rivals.

Invisible Woman Marvel Rivals Stats And Basics

Invisible Woman Unseen Force Character Reveal Marvel Rivals
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase
  • Class: Strategist
  • Health: 275
  • Movement: 6 m/s

Invisible Woman can adapt her normal attack to whatever the team needs. Her normal attack can damage enemies or heal allies. There is no damage falloff, and the orbs have good range. This ability can help chip away at enemies or keep valuable allies alive in critical situations. Here is a full breakdown of her normal attack.

  • Orb Projection
    • Description: Launch a force field that damages enemies and heals teammates.
    • Casting: Single-cast projectile with delayed impact
    • Special Effect: Orbs can pierce heroes and return to Invisible Woman after reaching their maximum distance. They damage enemies and heal teammates
    • Damage: 20 per hit
    • Damage Falloff: No falloff
    • Healing Amount: 40 per hit
    • Fire Rate: 0.5s per hit
    • Projectile Speed: 120m/s
    • Max Flight Distance: 30m
    • Ammo: 10
    • Critical Hit: No


Invisible Woman has some of the best variety in abilities in the game. Similar to her normal attack, her abilities can function differently depending on what the team needs. Force Physics can push problematic enemies away or pull squishy backline members forward. She can become invisible to escape tricky situations and put up shields to protect and heal herself and her allies. Here is a full breakdown of her abilities.

  • Veiled Step
    • Description: Double Jump to immediately propel yourself into an invisible state
    • Cooldown: 6s
  • Covert Advance
    • Description: Enter an invisible state sometime after disengaging from a fight
    • Casting: Passive
    • Healing Amount: 20/s
  • Force Physics
    • Description: Push enemies away or pull them toward you
    • Casting: Cylindrical Spell Field
    • Range: 1.5m radius, 30m length
    • Damage: 55
    • Push Range: 12m
    • Pull Range: 7m
    • Cooldown: 8s
  • Psionic Vortex
    • Description: Shoot an orb of energy that draws enemies in and continuously does damage to them
    • Casting: Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field
    • Projectile Speed: 80m/s
    • Spell Field Range: 5m radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 35/sec
    • Spell Field Duration: 4s
    • Special Effect: Applies a slow effect to enemies within the spell field; the closer they are to the center of the field, the greater the slow effect
    • Slow Rate: Center 50%, Edge 0
    • Cooldown: 12s
  • Guardian Shield
    • Description: Raise a shield in front of an ally which heals over time and blocks incoming damage
    • Casting: Targeted
    • Healing Amount: 50/s
    • Range: 3m radius
    • Slow Rate: 30%
    • Slow Duration: 3s
    • Max Shield Value: 300
    • Special Effect: Before the shield is destroyed, Invisible Woman can choose to reproject the shield onto a selected teammate at any time. After the shield has been damaged, Invisible Woman can press the F key to reclaim the shield and restore its value
    • Recovery Shield Value Per Second: 50
    • Cooldown After Destroyed: 6s
  • Fantasti-Force (Team-Up Bonus)
    • Description: Passive: Grant damage resistance and healing over time to Mr. Fantastic
    • Team-Up Bonus: 15% Healing Boost


Marvel Rivals Invisible Woman: Sue Storm tips, tricks and abilities | Radio  Times
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase

Invisible Woman’s ultimate, Invisible Boundary, can create chaos for the enemy team. Allies can enter the shield cylinder and be granted invisibility and healing. Imagine fighting the Hulk only for him to completely disappear. Your allies can disappear, heal for a second, and then pop out, surprising the enemy team. It is a powerful support ultimate that can turn the tides of battle.

  • Description: Create a force field that heals allies over time and grants them invisibility while they’re inside. Slows enemies who enter it
  • Casting: Targeted, generates a cylindrical spell field
  • Pass-Through Slow Rate: 55%
  • Slow Duration: 1s
  • Healing Amount: 165/s
  • Range: 10m radius, 40m height
  • Duration: 8s
  • Energy Cost: 4300


Invisible Woman is one of the trickiest heroes to master in the game. Versatility in a character is great, but it also takes more time to learn when to use certain abilities. For example, the Human Torch has one job in the game, and his abilities are straightforward. Sue Storm requires an understanding of when to be aggressive and when to pull back. Furthermore, it requires an ability to know when to help on the offensive and when to become more of a healer.

Focus on groups of enemies when attacking. Her orbs can travel through enemies up to two times, meaning one attack can damage multiple people. It also works to damage enemies and heal allies at the same time. Additionally, her Psionic Votex can be effective in groups where enemies are trying to escape. She can pull them in, allowing your Duelist to finish them off.

Final Thoughts

Invisible Woman is a tough character to master. However, if you are willing to put in the time, she can be an invaluable member of any team. Shield your allies and heal them up while slamming your enemies with orbs to support your team to victory.

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