Iron Man Full Skills And Abilities Guide In Marvel Rivals

Iron Man Marvel Rivals

Iron Man is part of an extensive and growing list of characters in Marvel Rivals. No Marvel-themed game is complete without this character. Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of the character in the MCU jumpstarted the craze in comic book characters. In the game, players can take on the persona, flying around the map and blasting enemies. Here is a full skills and abilities guide for the character in Marvel Rivals.

Iron Man Marvel Rivals Stats And Basics

Best Characters For Flanking In Marvel Rivals
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase
  • Class: Duelist
  • Health: 250
  • Movement: 6 m/s
  • Movement Mode: Flight

Iron Man uses his repulsor blast and unibeam as his normal attacks. Anyone familiar with the character will know the basics of how the attacks work. However, in the game, his repulsor blasts create a spell field that can damage enemies. Furthermore, after firing a one-handed repulsor twice in a row, the character will fire two repulsors at once for enhanced damage. Both normal attacks can be enhanced by his Armor Overdrive ability and the Gamma Overdrive Team-Up ability. Here is a breakdown of his normal attacks in each mode.

  • Repulsor Blast
    • Description: This is Iron Man’s bread and butter attack. It allows him to keep his distance and fire charged shots into the action where his enemies are gathering
    • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
    • Ammo: 100
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Special Mechanic 1:
    • Special Mechanic 2:
    • Projectile Speed: 60m/s
    • Damage: 55
    • Range: 3m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 35
    • Spell Field Damage Falloff: 40% falloff at 3m
    • Fire Rate: 1.67 rounds per second
    • Ammo Consumption: 10 damage per round
    • Two-Handed Repulsors
    • Projectile Speed: 80m/s
    • Damage: 65
    • Range: 5m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 40
    • Spell Field Damage Falloff: 40% falloff at 5m
    • Fire Rate: 1.39 rounds per second
    • Ammo Consumption: 16 damage per round
  • Repulsor Blast (Armor Overdrive)
    • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
    • Ammo: 100
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Projectile Speed: 80m/s
    • Damage: 55
    • Range: 5m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 55
    • Spell Field Damage Falloff: 40% falloff at 5m
    • Fire Rate: 1.33  rounds per second
  • Repulsor Blast (Gamma Overdrive)
    • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
    • Ammo: Infinite
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Projectile Speed: 80m/s
    • Damage: 60
    • Range: 5m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 60
    • Spell Field Damage Falloff: 40% falloff at 5m
    • Fire Rate: 1.33 rounds per second
  • Unibeam
    • Description: Unibeam is a continuous beam of damage that is great when you don’t need to worry about staying mobile
    • Casting: Channeled
    • Ammo: 100
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Special Mechanic: Repulsor Blast and Unibeam share the same ammo count
    • Beam Length: 25m
    • Damage: 140 damage per second
    • Ammo Consumption: 10/s
  • Unibeam (Armor Overdrive)
    • Casting: Channeled
    • Ammo: Infinite
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Beam Length: 25m
    • Damage: 190 damage per second
  • Unibeam (Gamma Overdrive)
    • Casting: Channeled
    • Ammo: Infinite
    • Critical Hit: No
    • Beam Length: 25m
    • Damage: 220 damage per second


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Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase

Iron Man has very basic abilities, making him a good character for first-timers. The variance in his attacks comes from Armor Overdrive, but from there, he basically has two abilities. One of them, Hyper Velocity, is for escaping tricky situations. For the most part, players will be using normal attacks and enhancing them with Armor Overdrive. Here is a complete breakdown of his abilities.

  • Armor Overdrive
    • Description: Once activated, the player will have increased damage for a short duration for both Repulsor Blasts and the Unibeam attacks
    • Duration: 10s
    • Cooldown: 20s
  • Micro-Missle Barrage
    • Description: While using either Armor Overdrive or Hyper-Velocity, players will be able to use this ability to fire a volley of rockets at the targeted location. This will deal high damage at the point of impact
    • Casting: Scatter-type projectile that generates a spell area upon impact
    • Missiles: 16
    • Projectile Speed: 15m/s
    • Range: 2m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 20 damage per round
    • Cooldown: 8s
    • Special Mechanic: Launch missiles directly beneath Iron Man
  • Micro-Missle Barrage (Armor Overdrive)
    • Description: While using either Armor Overdrive or Hyper-Velocity, players will be able to use this ability to fire a volley of rockets at the targeted location. This will deal high damage at the point of impact
    • Casting: Scatter-type projectile that generates a spell area upon impact
    • Missiles: 18
    • Projectile Speed: 60m/s
    • Range: 2m spherical radius
    • Spell Field Damage: 15 damage per round
    • Cooldown: 6s
    • Special Mechanic: Launch in the direction of Iron Man’s crosshair
  • Hyper Velocity
    • Description: Players will begin flying forward at great speeds. This can be used to gain altitude and/or traverse across the map at a faster pace
    • Movement Boost: 100%
    • Max Energy: 120
    • Energy Cost: 15/s
    • Energy Recovery Speed: 10/s
  • Hyper Velocity (Armor Overdrive)
    • Description: Players will begin flying forward at great speeds. This can be used to gain altitude and/or traverse across the map at a faster pace
    • Movement Boost: 100%
    • Max Energy: Infinite
    • Energy Cost: 15/s
    • Energy Recovery Speed: 10/s
  • Gamma Overdrive (Team-Up Ability)
    • Description: Iron Man is able to tap into an enhanced version of Armor Overdrive when Hulk is a part of his team. This comes in the form of Gamma Overdrive, creating gamma energy explosions at its point of impact. Gamma Overdrive will override the same input used to trigger Armor Overdrive
    • Duration: 10s
    • Cooldown: 20s
    • Team-Up Target: Hulk


Marvel Rivals Iron Man guide: Abilities, ultimate, tips, more - Dexerto
Image from Marvel Rivals courtesy of NetEase

Iron Man’s ultimate, Invincible Pulse Cannon, is downright devastating to the opposition when done correctly. The beam takes a second to charge but then unleashes a massive area of effect explosion on a targeted location. With so many tasks in Marvel Rivals being about holding a point, this can wipe out an enemy team and secure your team’s positioning.

  • Description: Activating Invincible Pulse Cannon will cause Iron Man to halt all movement while he charges a powerful concentration of energy, then fire it at the targeted location for a massive AoE explosion
  • Casting: Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact
  • Energy Cost: 2800
  • Projectile Speed: 25 m/s
  • Dispersive Spell Field: Length: 15m, Width: 5m, Height: 5m
  • Damage Over Time: 300/s
  • Explosion Range: 10m spherical radius
  • Explosion Damage: 1000
  • Spell Field Damage Falloff: 5% falloff at 10m
  • Special Mechanic: As the projectile travels, it creates a dispersive spell field that deals Damage Over Time to nearby enemies


Iron Man has the advantage of flight, meaning he consistently has the high ground. His repulsor blasts and unibeam do good damage from range, making him the perfect character to fly around the map and chip away at opponents’ health bars. He isn’t bad in close combat, either. Because of his flight ability, he can be in the thick of battle but up above, helping take down enemies with the rest of the team.

The issue with this character is the same as many duelists in the game. Low health can mean a quick death. If you get pulled from the sky, you become extremely vulnerable. Hyper Velocity can help reestablish air supremacy, but it is best to stay off the ground completely. Using the ultimate must be timed correctly as well. If you waste all that energy on one enemy, it can feel wasted.

Final Thoughts

Iron Man can be a very fun character to play in Marvel Rivals. He takes control of the skies and blasts opponents with his armor. Suit up and get ready to unleash powerful attacks that can lead your team to victory!

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