Mega Man 3 Boss Order, Tips, and Tricks

Mega Man 3

Mega Man 3 is the third game in the Classic Mega Man series after Mega Man 2 redefined the franchise. Mega Man 3’s most notable addition is Break Man, a mysterious aid and sibling to our blue bomber. The game boasts the same number of robot masters alongside the new Doc Robots. These robots use the weapon abilities of prior robot masters from 2. Without further ado, let’s dive into the Mega Man 3 guide.

Robot Masters (First Set)

Mega Man 3
Screenshot from Mega Man 3, courtesy of Capcom.

Mega Man 3 retains many classic traits from its predecessors, Mega Man 2 and Mega Man. The game adds the slide mechanic, which lets Mega Man navigate tight spaces. Every robot boy needs robotkind’s best friend, and Mega Man 3 enforces that. Rush the Dog makes his debut in the third game and has three different applications. Rush has a submarine mode, a coil mode for jumping higher, and a flight mode. Rush’s alternate configurations can help you move through stage portions, but his weapon meter limits him.

The Robot Masters are your main target in Mega Man 3, possessing unique abilities. After you beat the Robot Masters, you will fight the Doc Robots. The Doc Robots retain the weapons from previous enemies from Mega Man 2. The four Doc Robots will take over four stages in Mega Man 3. This guide will adequately explain how to deal with the Robot Masters and the Doc Robots. Without further ado, let’s jump in for your first threat.

Magnet Man

Your first threat is Magnet Man, who resides in a magnetic generator facility. Light and Wily created Magnet Man to generate strong magnetic forces. His stage has magnetic threats that pull the player close to them. Because of these magnetic generators, you can levitate through most of the gaps in the stage. Break Man is found in this stage and will briefly attack you. After you have taken down Break Man, proceed through the stage. Be wary of the vanishing blocks that appear in sections.

Reaching the end puts you against Magnet Man. Magnet Man hops in the air and fires three magnet projectiles to hit you. Magnet Man will also pull the character to him if they are not careful. Magnet Man is weak to either your Mega Buster, Spark Shock, or Shadow Blade. Once you have beaten Magnet Man, the Magnet Missile is yours to command.

Hard Man

Hard Man knows how to throw his weight around. Hard Man’s armor uses an incredibly sturdy material named Ceratanium. This metal makes Hard Man resistant to attacks but also too slow. Hard Man resides in a rocky cavern area crawling with ape robots. Green trap platforms on the ground will bite you when you stand on them. Break Man is also in this stage.

Magnet Missile makes Hard Man less of a challenge. Hard Man will always fire two ‘hard knuckles’ to hit you. Like Guts Man before him, Hard Man jumps up and shakes the ground. You will be frozen in mid-air or on the ground when he stomps. Use Magnet Missile to kill Hard Man in seven hits. After beating him, Rock gains Hard Man’s Hard Knuckle for free use.

Top Man

The smooth-talking Top Man spins his way into number three. Top Man can spin rapidly like a top, but it makes him dizzy. Top Man’s stage resembles a greenhouse full of glass and shrubbery. The stage design is simple and easy for newcomers to navigate.

Top Man’s battle has him generate three top projectiles to throw at you. Top Man will always alternate between spinning toward you and throwing projectiles. Dodge the attacks and nail him with Hard Knuckle, his weakness. Hard Knuckle is slow but does significant damage. The attack will kill him in four hits so long as he is not spinning to Mega Man. Once Top Man’s down, his Top Spin is yours to take.

Shadow Man

Shadow Man is an enigma, and not much information surrounds his existence. Shadow Man’s origins go back to an extraterrestrial civilization. He was discovered in the modern age by Dr. Wily. Shadow Man’s stage is a sewer system filled with flowing red water. The stage has numerous enemies but no health packs. Keep your guard up and journey through the stage to fight this shinobi. Break Man will also show up in this stage.

Shadow Man is one of the most challenging robot masters in the game. He is aggressive and always on the move. He will throw two shadow blades to hit you. Use Top Man’s Top Spin to hit Shadow Man and kill him in four hits. Once you have beaten Shadow Man, his Shadow Blade falls into your hands.

Robot Masters (Second Set)

Mega Man 3
Screenshot from Mega Man 3, courtesy of Capcom.

Spark Man

It’s time for Spark Man’s lights to go out, so go after him next. Spark Man uses his electrical power to charge equipment and trap his enemies. Spark Man’s stage is a massive power plant with electric traps and plug monsters. Evade the traps and enter the boss to take him down.

Spark Man’s boss fight requires you to maintain distance. The boss’s stage has five points to give Spark Man an advantage. Spark Man will release multiple electrical blasts in many directions. Shadow Man’s Shadow Blade can put the flash out of this electric bot. Use it to kill him in seven hits and then claim Spark Man’s Spark Shock.

Snake Man

Snake Man slithers his way into the seventh position. Snake Man investigates undiscovered areas and narrow spaces. Snake Man’s quick reflexes and lightweight design make him a dangerous threat. His stage resembles a green tower filled with serpentine threats. Colossal snakeheads will fire at you throughout the stage.

Snake Man is a boss with a simple pattern, walking back and forth between the stage. His weapon, the Search Snake, creates sentient snake missiles to slither across surfaces. Snake Man’s weakness is Needle Cannon, which does good damage against him. However, the Mega Buster is also good enough to destroy Snake Man.

Gemini Man

You fought robot masters solo, but now you face two at once. Gemini Man is your next fight, but his clone is just as deadly. Gemini Man can create holographic copies to confuse his enemies. The two are in the Gemini Man Stage, a crystalline set of caverns. The stage is long and requires you to move forward.

Gemini Man summons his clone to overwhelm you. Gemini Man’s clone shares the same HP Bar as him. Snake Man’s Search Snakes can chase Gemini Man. The attack will kill his clone in three hits and Gemini Man in 6. The attack is also his weakness and can do enough damage. Avoid Gemini Man when he or his clone collides with you.

Needle Man

Needle Man is your last boss to pin down as Rock. Needle Man’s specialty is breaking through large rocks with his sharp spikes. He can fire a barrage of needles to puncture his enemies. His stage resembles a metropolitan area fitted with a construction site.

Needle Man is another challenging robot master who loves staying in the air. He first fires a set of needle shots to hit Mega Man. Needle Man also has a semi-close ranged headbutt attack to avoid. Use the Gemini Lazer, but also be aware of its reflective properties. If it misses, the laser will rebound around the stage. The attack leaves you wide open if you miss. The laser can kill Needle Man in 4 hits. After beating Needle Man, you get his trusty Needle Cannon.

Doc Robots

The Doc Robots are set loose on the stages Mega Man has traveled to. They reuse the powers of Robot Masters from Mega Man 2. They take the form of Spark Man, Gemini Man, Shadow Man, and Needle Man Stages.

Doc Robot (Metal Man/Quick Man):

Your first Doc Robot setup should be in the Spark Man Stage against Metal Man. Metal Man fires his metal blades quickly so prepare to dodge. Use Magnet Missile to take him down in seven hits. A good alternative is the Hard Knuckle, which will eventually do damage when it reaches him.

Quick Man is as fast as he was in Mega Man 2. Use Rock’s slide to evade his attacks and then unload Gemini Lazer. This weapon is challenging because of Quick Man’s agility and jumping. Another alternative is the Search Snake, which requires you to get closer to him. Whichever weapon you choose, they both kill Quick Man in seven hits.

Air and Crash

The next Doc Robot fight takes you to Needle Man’s stage again. You take on a Doc Robot using Air Man’s power this time. Use Spark Man’s Spark Shock to damage it and avoid the blue tornadoes it throws your way. The second Doc Robot fight in Needle Man’s stage puts you against Crash Man’s power. Like Crash Man, the Doc Robot will mainly move back and forth. Use Hard Knuckle to crash the Doc Robot’s programming.

Flash and Bubble Bots

Go to Gemini Man’s stage to face off against the next two Doc Robots. Your first threat is against a Doc Robot using Flash Man’s power. Like Flash Man, the boss freezes the stage to attack Mega Man. Needle Man’s Needle Cannon does good damage against the boss. Your second threat will be against a Doc Robot with Bubble Man’s power. This stage takes place underwater, so be aware. Shadow Man’s Shadow Blade will make mincemeat out of this Doc Robot.

Wood/Heat Bots

Shadow Man’s stage will be the last stage full of Doc Robots. The first Doc Robot you face in this stage will use Wood Man’s power. Dodge Wood Man’s leaves and use Needle Man’s Needle Cannon to put the hurt on him. Your second and final Doc Robot fight will be against Heat Man. Dodge his blasts of heat and use Shadow Blade to take him out. After beating this Doc Robot, you will have beaten all eight.

Wily Castle (3)

Before you proceed to Wily Castle, you face off against Break Man. After the fight, you go to Dr. Light’s lab. Light reveals that Dr. Wily stole the giant robot ‘Gamma’ from him. With this new information, Rock can storm Wily Castle.

Castle Stage 1 (Kamegoro Maker):

Castle Stage 1 consists of an outside area before having you head deep into the sewer system. This stage has walls that Hard Man’s Hard Knuckle can break through. Your first boss is the Kamegoro Maker, which creates turtle robots to bombard you. Destroying each Kamegoro depletes the Kamegoro Maker’s health bar.

Castle Stage 2(Yellow Devil MK-II):

Castle Stage 2 puts you in a maze filled with support items. Head to the top and move past the enemies. The final boss of this area is the familiar Yellow Devil MK-II. Dodge the yellow projectiles that form its body. Use Hard Man’s Hard Knuckle to damage its eye. Once you have beaten it, you may proceed to the next level.

Castle Stage 3 (Holograph Mega Mans):

Castle Stage 3 takes you further into the castle. This stage introduces moving platforms that you have to go through. This stage’s boss will be three holographic clones of Mega Man. Mash through the enemies with your pellets and take them all down.

Castle Stage 4 (Robot Master Rematch):

The Robot Master rush returns in Mega Man 3. Take down all the Robot Masters using their weaknesses just like before. Remember everything you have learned from fighting them.

Castle Stage 5 (Wily Machine 3):

Once you have beaten them, you will fight the Wily Machine 3. Wily’s latest machine is a humungous crab mech that uses needles to move through the ground. Use Spark Man’s Spark Shock to break the first phase and reveal Wily. Hard Knuckle will take out the rest of the Second Phase.

Castle Stage 6 (Gamma):

Castle Stage 6 is the last stage in Mega Man 3 and introduces Gamma. This giant robot is Wily’s final trick and the last obstacle in your path. For the first phase, you will attack a blue robot acting as Gamma’s brain. Use Spark Shock or Shadow Blade to destroy it. For your second phase, Wily’s cockpit appears. Using the platforms, you alternate between Top Spin and Search Snake to destroy it.

After you have beaten Wily, the castle will collapse, and he will be crushed under debris. A mysterious figure saves Rock and brings him back to Light’s Laboratory. Dr. Light wonders who saved Rock, but then he hears a whistle. Light deduces that the suspect is Proto Man, Rock’s older brother. Congratulations, you have foiled Wily’s latest scheme and defeated Mega Man 3.

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