Rumor: Nintendo Subtly Teases Switch 2 Launch Titles In Earnings Call

Nintendo Switch 2

Outside of the launch date for the Nintendo Switch 2, there is one question on everyone’s mind: What games will be the launch titles? In the reveal trailer, footage of what many fans believe to be Mario Kart 9 was shown, seemingly confirming it will launch with the new console. However, we’ve heard nothing else. Speculation is rampant across the internet as fans try to figure out what games they will be grinding on day one. The studio may have given fans a hint. In the latest earnings call, Nintendo may have dropped a hint on two more launch titles.

Nintendo Teases Switch 2 Launch Titles?

April 2nd is the date many gamers have circled. This is when Nintendo promised a closer look at the new console that is coming sometime in 2025. This is likely when we will get a release date, but the studio still had some news to share in the latest earnings call. One of the games has nothing to do with the next console release. Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is on its way, becoming available on March 20 of this year. The studio then confirmed that Pokemon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4: Beyond would be released in 2025 but were coy with any other information.

The rumor is the studio cannot reveal the release dates for these two games because they are launch titles for the Switch 2. If they reveal when they are releasing, they will tip their hand on when the next-gen console will be hitting shelves. If these are the launch titles along with Mario Kart 9, the studio definitely isn’t pulling any punches. They know this is already the most anticipated release of 2025, and with the right collection of games, it could fly off the shelves.

How Much Weight Should We Put On This Speculation?

This is purely speculation. The studio did not confirm anything, only that those games would be released this year. However, there is some weight to this speculation. It would be strange if Nintendo released these titles in the waning months of the original Switch. While the studio could release the game on the original and then port for the new console, that seems like an odd strategy. It would be more effective to release the biggest games of the year with the new console.

April 2nd is hopefully when we know more information. They can only keep us in the dark for so long. In all likelihood, the Japanese company will target the holiday season in order to drive sales. Being the hottest gift of the year is a great way to pad the bottom line of a company. The rumors will continue to swirl, but fans can rest assured they will have an answer soon.

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