Snow Bros Wonderland Review: A Cute Adventure

Snow Bros Wonderland

Snow Bros Wonderland is a new adventure game from TATSUJIN and Clear River Games. Set in the Snow Bros franchise, which now has a few games thanks to Wonderland, this story follows the sons of the original characters. Fittingly, they’re called Nick Jr. and Tom Jr. Interestingly enough, the original developers went bankrupt, but others have picked up the franchise and run with it. It’s a miracle that this one even exists in the first place. 

Pros of Snow Bros Wonderland

Gameplay Mechanics

Despite being a relatively simple game, Snow Bros Wonderland has clever mechanics. It doesn’t venture into turn-based despite having the option to, which is something I appreciate. It sticks to its guns, using snowballs to capture enemies. Once they’re captured, you can kick them around to destroy other enemies. It’s the central combat gimmick, which means you have to do it a lot as you play. Fortunately, it’s done well and it makes for an enjoyable time despite the repetitive nature.

Devotion to Genre

There’s certainly a movement for fully 3D games nowadays. So many franchises venture there and don’t go back. Strictly 2D games are fewer and further between now, but Snow Bros remains true to itself. Instead of taking the franchise somewhere new, it reminds players why its original genre is so beloved. It does have 3D graphics, but it doesn’t go into 3D gameplay. That’s important for variety, and it means that this franchise isn’t necessarily trying to go toe-to-toe with top platformers like Sonic the Hedgehog or Super Mario.

Graphics and Music

The graphics and music for any game make up its environment, and that’s where Snow Bros Wonderland thrives. It has fun music, appropriate for the winter and holiday seasons, and good graphics. It’s not hyper-realistic in any way, which I appreciate in modern games. It has an art style and a good one at that. The music fades into the background by not being annoying or repetitive, but it creates an atmosphere that allows you to sink further into the game.

Cons for Snow Bros Wonderland

Snow Bros Wonderland
Image from Snow Bros Wonderland courtesy of Clear River Games


Simplicity is often a good thing. It’s why everyone loves that Fortnite OG is a thing again and why newer Call of Duty titles didn’t exactly hit the mark until Black Ops 6. But in the same sense, being too simple is a valid criticism sometimes. Snow Bros Wonderland is simple and easy to play, but it’s hard to really get into a game that isn’t doing that much. It doesn’t have as much built-in brand recognition, so it needs to be a little more exciting to capture the masses. It’s never bad, but it can get boring, which is arguably worse. It introduces puzzles from time to time, but they’re never truly challenging.


Unfortunately, there’s also not much story going on here. Of course, platformers rarely have stories attached to them, especially 2D platformers. However, this game opens with a lengthy cutscene kickstarting a story. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t differentiate itself as much from previous games as it could, and it never reaches the heights I wanted it to. It’s nice that there’s a story, but it required a little more development and effort in my opinion.

In Conclusion

Snow Bros Wonderland is a triumph of game development and a testament to the goodwill of the developers. It’s also a solid title with some fun to be had. It’s a smaller, simpler game than most, which means it won’t demand much from you. If you’re looking for a fun time without a lot of investment, both in time and money, this is a good game to look out for.

Score: 3/5

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