The Best PlayStation 3 Games

It’s kind of crazy to think that by many accounts, the PlayStation 3 era of consoles and games are by many considered to be retro. What a great era of gaming. I feel like this era was really special. It felt like it was the last age of gaming where it was more so completely focused on the games, instead of the multimedia aspect of many modern consoles nowadays. 

Don’t get me wrong, the PlayStation 3 was a multimedia machine. It had ways to stream and watch movies, shows, and music. It gave you a lot of bang for your buck because there were tons of other things you could do on it other than just game. But of course, consoles are meant to have games on them. When I think of the PlayStation 3, a couple games immediately come to mind that I feel like define the generation.

PlayStation 3 Game: Uncharted 2

Alright, I want to include some entries in this list that are obvious, and maybe one that isn’t so obvious. Of course a Naughty Dog game would be here. They are some of the most well-liked developers, especially back then. They were batting a thousand, with the Uncharted trilogy, as well as The Last of Us. I feel like Uncharted 2 is really the peak of their time on the PS3. 

It’s what a video game should be if you ask me. It’s got a fun, treasure-hunting story with some charismatic and lovable characters. It also has some unforgettable set pieces and action scenes. Who could forget the train intro? One of the most popular opening levels in gaming. Uncharted 2 has it all, and if you haven’t played it, give it a shot. Luckily it was remastered on the PS4 in 60 frames per second, so it’s easily accessible. 

PlayStation 3 Game: Spider-Man Web of Shadows

For my number two spot here, I’m going with a curve ball. This game does not get enough love, especially when it comes to PlayStation 3 games. Who doesn’t love Spider-Man? Spider-Man Web of Shadows is an incredibly underrated game that honestly deserves its own article. It is an open world action game, like many other games on the platform. What makes it unique, is that it has Spidey in it. Spidey is the main star in this game, since his combat and movement is just exquisite.

Spidey in this game has both his normal suit and the black suit, and the story of this game involves an alien invasion started from his nemesis Venom. What really sticks out here is how fun the traversal and gameplay is. This game has some visceral combat that feels like it was pulled right out of the comics. Spidey moves and fights so brutally and fluidly it is incredible. It’s not perfect, but it really encapsulates the goofier games that took themselves a little less seriously in this era. And as a Spidey fan, I had to include this one.

PlayStation 3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4

Lastly, I’m putting Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots as the final entry on this list. Metal Gear is an incredibly popular and beloved game series that is synonymous with PlayStation at this point. This game is funnily enough only ever been available on the PlayStation 3. It is controversial among certain fans because some love it and hate it for similar reasons. This tied the entire series up, with some great moments, and some moments that admittedly left fans scratching their heads.

If you ask me, it is more than the sum of its parts. It has an incredibly detailed world and combat system, with some great cinematics, including the final cutscene in this game which is over an hour long. Is it a bit overdone? Yes, but it is so charming and lovable I can’t help but adore it. Give all these games a shot, because they represent different aspects of the PlayStation 3 as a console that was special to many gamer’s hearts, including mine. 

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