No Man’s Sky’s Worlds Part II Update

No Man's Sky, Worlds Update Part II

No Man’s Sky has come far from its release in 2016. From empty universes to worlds and moons becoming habitats for unique creatures. Worlds Part II update is no different as it continues to update the world of No Man’s Sky.

Expanded Universe

No Man’s Sky has expanded its universe once again, introducing a new class of stars. Purple-Class solar systems come with countless new worlds to discover. Along with a new narrative-driven mission that expands on the story of Astlas, Atlantid, and the Autophage lifeforms. These new worlds come with new jungles, ice worlds, gas giants, moons, and stars. Each has its own local hazards and its own gravity, pressure, and surprises. Including toxic planets that have hazardous spores that can ruin your life if you get too much. Titanic and Exotic Planets will arrive, allowing for new environments.

There will be a new expedition known as Titan where explorers will be forced to survive on a new planet with others and make the best of it. Upon completion you will unlock unique milestones, including a new living ship called the Wrath.

Under The Sea and Into The Abyss

No Man's Sky, Worlds Update Part II
Image from No Man’s Sky, Courtesy of Hello Games

The expansion introduces a quality-of-life update for the game’s oceans. This major update of the waters allows for better reflections, lighting, and more realistic-looking waters. Especially as you dive deeper, you will find the lighting change to match the sublevel or the quality of the water you are in. This new update also brings several new sea creatures, from giant squids to tiny schools of seahorses roaming the waters. Waters are now be dynamic, as anything moving in the water or above it will create ripples throughout the water, causing responses as the water bounces anything caught in it.

Worlds Part II brings fishing as well, allowing you to catch fishing challenges either solo or with a group. Just visit a mission agent and you can earn valuable rewards. The underwater has been updated; as you travel downwards in oceans that go deep, you can encounter new creatures and even treasures like rich mineral seams and exotic sea glass. There is a new submarine exocraft that you can take to explore the ocean floor. There is a new marine boss that, if angered, will attack. Players will have to fight and kill for a unique reward.

Quality of Life

No Man’s Sky’s Worlds Part II brings several new updates, including:

  • Storage for Ships and Multi-Tools. It will allow up to 18 Multi-Tools and 16 Starships to be stored so you can continue collecting until you are full again.
  • When landing at a space station, the starship will now attempt to land at the closest free landing pad to the main terminals.
  • The teleporter interface now has a Favorites tab, which allows you to find your favorite locations faster.
  • Buttons have been added to the inventory to consolidate and sort items according to various criteria, including name, value, type, and color.
  • East and west markers have been added to the compass.
  • Technologies and products in the Catalogue can now be visualized as a crafting tree, allowing players to see a full map of all construction steps.
  • A number of smoothing improvements have been made to player locomotion.
  • When piloting in first person, the throttle and stick within the starship cockpit now respond accurately to player inputs.
  • Loading Screens will be faster thanks to improved optimization.
  • Cooking has been improved and now has a smoother UI to allow easier interaction.
  • The PlayStation 5 receives a 120Hz display output and variable refresh rate. Allowing for ultra-smooth visuals, reduced latency, and higher framerates.

Overall, a bunch of new content has been added to No Man’s Sky with its Worlds Part II update, making an old player like myself eager to hop back in and dust off my old ships to explore.

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