Ninja Gaiden 4: Ryu Hayabusa’s Grand Return After 13 Years

Ninja Gaiden 4

At the start of the Xbox 2025 Developer_Direct, Team Ninja revealed Ninja Gaiden 4. Last December, at the 2024 Game Awards, Koei Tecmo announced Ninja Gaiden Ragebound. According to Microsoft themselves, they are celebrating 30 years of Ninja Gaiden. Following the 4th game announcement, Koei Tecmo released Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, a remastered version of the 2008 Xbox 360 exclusive. For now, we will focus on the newest installment of the main series and discuss Ryu Hayabusa’s latest chapter.

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge

Brief Summary

To avoid confusion with the NES Ninja Gaiden 3, we will refer to the 2013 version as NG3 Razor’s Edge. Previously, Ryu was hired by Ishigami and Mizuki McCloud of Japan’s Special Defense Force (JSDF). They reported that London was under attack by an unknown terrorist group. They demanded Ryu’s presence in exchange for the Prime Minister and his family’s life. Unfortunately, the Regent of the Mask has slain everyone including London’s leader.

After Ryu defeated them, the Regent spoke an incantation spell and cursed him with the Grip of Murder. This caused his Dragon Sword to become a part of him. Later, the Regent broadcasted that the world had 7 days to surrender to their organization, the Lords of Alchemy (LOA). Throughout Ryu’s journey, he could only wield his blade by concentrating the rage of the victims he slayed. LOA Chairman Ashtear’s mission was to recreate The Goddess with Mizuki’s niece, Canna’s innocence to hatch the Egg of God.

When Ryu stabbed the Regent, Canna revealed their true identity as her father, Theodore Higgins. Her anger fused her with the Egg of God and became the Goddess. Instead of a pure savior, it destroys anything that encounters its path. Theodore begs Ryu to save Canna and removes the Grip of Murder to prevent further harm. After rescuing her, the Dragon Clan ninja watches her from afar in the shadows.

NG3 Razor’s Edge Reception

When Ninja Gaiden 3 2012 was released, it exchanged its hard difficulty for an easier hack-and-slash gameplay. Team Ninja lowered the challenge rating after gaining feedback from players having trouble passing the tutorial level in Ninja Gaiden 2. Veteran players did not enjoy this change as the game felt too easy to beat. A year later, NG3 Razor’s Edge was released for the PS3 and Wii U with game difficulty options: Hero, Normal, and Hard.

While it gained higher praise, Ninja Gaiden fans felt both original and Razor’s Edge’s worldbuilding was lackluster. Critics said they missed the fantasy designs of the enemies. Team Ninja also experimented with quick-time events that players felt had watered down the series’ action. Finally, the story had a mixed reception for being either too linear or confusing to follow. The feedback had sent creator Fumihiko Yasuda on a 13-year hiatus. Yet, NG3 Razor’s Edge remained strong with its cult following.

How Fans Reacted to Ninja Gaiden 4

Ninja Gaiden 4
Screenshot from Ninja Gaiden 4, courtesy of Platinum Games and Team Ninja

On January 23rd, Ninja Gaiden fans were stunned, excited, and most importantly, losing their minds about the mainline series’ return. YouTuber Maximillian Dood’s reaction definitely gave the most insight when he immediately recognized Team Ninja’s intro. When Yasuda appeared on screen, fans were weighing on a new Ninja Gaiden or Dead or Alive. He then revealed Ninja Gaiden 4’s story and gameplay footage which had the community glued in their seats.

Trailer Analysis

Ninja Gaiden veterans grew shocked at who would they be playing as. Instead of starting as Ryu Hayabusa, players will be playing as Raven. We do not know much about this character yet except he is a government-hired ninja. Ninja Gaiden 4 is set in a dystopic future where the Dark Dragon’s husk has forced Tokyo to be abandoned. The city is partially disheveled and is cursed with eternal rain. Whoever has their hands on the husk is producing robotic, godlike warriors on Tokyo’s streets.

Platinum Games will be acting as a co-developer for Ninja Gaiden 4. In the past few years, most of the studio’s creative staff has left to pursue projects without restrictions. Hideki Kamiya stated after the Okami Sequel reveal that he would have lost his creative spark. He was the one responsible for Bayonetta. Speaking of, it appears some of Ninja Gaiden 4’s’ combat has been influenced by the seductive gunslinger.

In previous titles, Ninja Gaiden’s modern trilogy was praised for challenging difficulty and katana combat. Raven’s play style is very speedy and agile which is very reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden 2 Ryu Hayabusa. He can attack from wall runs and extends his sword for final blows and distant attacks. The legendary ninja himself offers heavier hits against his enemies, focusing more on close-quarter combat. His reasoning for fighting Raven is currently unknown.

When is Ninja Gaiden 4 Releasing?

Ninja Gaiden 4 is set to be released in Fall 2025. That’s a season apart from Ninja Gaiden Ragebound for it plans a Summer 2025 release. Team Ninja is very grateful to Microsoft CEO Phil Spencer for offering Platinum Games the opportunity to create this new entry. According to Team Ninja Head, Yuji Nakao, the game takes place several years after Ninja Gaiden 3.

There is no known information on how long Ninja Gaiden 4’s development took. For now, it remains a Team Ninja secret. While fans wait for Fall, new players have the opportunity to play Ninja Gaiden 2 Black to discover the world of Ryu Hayabusa. It can now be played on Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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